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With economy and technology advancement , our lifestyle has improved tremendously , The effect of such development has affected our health in many ways we have never imagined . The food we eat , the water we drink and the air we breathe are inevitably affected by such development . The good news is that more health supplements are available to help us cope with the environmental stress. What is Peptide? Contents 0.1 What is Peptide?

  • 0.2 CELL:

  • 0.3 AGING:

  • 0.4 Aging = Cell death > Cell Regeneration

  • 0.5 DISEASES:

  • 0.6 Cells unable to regenerate

  • 0.7 CANCER:

  • 0.8 Cell Mutation 

  • 0.9 Element that control  cell growth – Peptide

    • 0.9.1 Cell division need peptide

    • 0.9.2 Cell formation and maintenance need peptide

  • 0.10 Modern People Lack of Peptides

  • 0.11 Supplementation of Peptide

  • 0.12 What is Bio-Active Peptide?

    • 0.12.1 What is Bio-Active Small Molecule Peptide?

  • 1 Essential Health Benefits of Vitide

    • 1.1 1. Restore Skin & Muscles Elasticity

    • 1.2 Strengthen Muscles

    • 1.3 Eliminate Fatigue

    • 1.4 4. Regulate Body Fat

    • 1.5 5. Helps in Controlling Blood Pressure or Hypertension

    • 1.6 6. Prevent Cancer

    • 1.7 7. Increase Immunity

    • 1.8 8. Helps in Weight Loss

    • 1.9 Dosage/Uses Of Immerplus Vitide

    • 1.10 Scientists reviews on important of Peptide

    • Protein Is the basic material that form all the tissues and organs in the body.

    • A protein molecule is made from more than 50 amino acids. Thus, amino acid is the basic unit of protein. 

  • Peptide is formed when two or more amino acid linked together by a peptide bond. It is the fundamental structural and functional unit of protein that maintain the human body. 

 Scientifically proven: body absorb protein in the form of peptide instead of amino acid. 70% of protein in the body exist as peptide. Peptide form protein are highly bioactive  and can be absorbed directly to the body with 2 – 2.5 times higher absorption rate. CELL:

  • Human body is made up of 60 – 100 trillion of cells

  • Body is a collection of large numbers of cells. Cell constantly divide, grow, die and replace. There are more than 250 million of cells divide every second.  

Thus, body’s functions are maintained by constant cell death and regeneration. AGING: Aging = Cell death > Cell Regeneration

  • In the process of continuous cell division,  free radicals are emitted during biochemical reactions. These radicals will cause damage to the cell membrane and accelerate aging.

  • When cell regeneration  slow down as a result of deterioration in body functions and lacking of nutrients ,body’s physiologically change and this process is called aging.

DISEASES: Cells unable to regenerate

  • Modern unhealthy lifestyle promote cell damage. Deterioration of body’s functions due to aging and insufficient cell nutrients worsen the situation and suppress cell regeneration. 

  • When cell damage become permanent, cell regeneration is unable to repair the affected organ causing disruption in body functions which eventually develop diseases

CANCER: Cell Mutation 

  • When cell injured, cell genetic control will activate cell suicide to eliminate mutated or unwanted cells.

  • If genes that control cellular suicide go wrong, mutated cells will continue grow  and become uncontrollable and lead to cancer.

Element that control  cell growth – Peptide Research shows that peptides are the fundamental structural and functional unit of the body that keeps us alive. Peptides control our growth and regulate every function in the body as well as forming antibody and hormones.

  1. Cell division need peptide

  • Cell division : DNA replication + protein synthesis

  • DNA damage may arise during DNA replication 

  • Un-repaired DNA damage may give rise to unhealthy cells including cancer cells.

  • There is a group of peptides in the body that play role in continuous DNA repair when damage is detected.

  1. Cell formation and maintenance need peptide

  • After DNA repair, protein will be synthesized based on DNA sequence and form a cell. Thus, peptide is the key element for formation of healthy cell

  • Body has a self monitoring system. After cell is formed, peptide continue to play important role in maintaining cell growth and balance

  • Roles of peptide: 1. Grow  2. Transport  3.Protect 4. Regulate

Modern People Lack of Peptides

  1. Peptides Lost and Damage

  • Environmental ,air, water and food pollution, radiation, stress, improper lifestyle etc. cause massive peptides lost in the body. 

  1. Aging

  • When we age, body cells and organs become less active and decrease in function. Cell regeneration deteriorate and give risk to  many chronic diseases 

  1. Reduce in Absorption

  • Protein need to be broken down prior to absorption

  • Unhealthy eating habit fail to provide sufficient essential amino acid (amino acid that cannot be produced by the body) and reduce in body absorption cause deficiency of peptides

4.Reduce synthesis of Peptide in the Body

  • Impaired body system,  endocrine disorder, circulation blockage, pH imbalance etc reduce the body’s ability to synthesis peptide

  • Reduce in peptide synthesis reduce protein formation. Enzymes and hormones cannot function properly and affect body regulation.

Supplementation of Peptide Peptides are found in foods such as milk, eggs, grains and soybeans. However, modern people are lacking of peptide as a results pf massive peptides lost due to unhealthy lifestyle, aging poor absorption and synthesis. How do we get enough of peptide to stay healthy?

  1. Protein need to be broken down to amino acid for body absorption. Protein intake may not provide sufficient peptide to the body

  2. Amino acid cannot be stored in the body. When  essential amino acid is exhausted, body cannot produce the type of protein that require that particular essential amino acid and lead to protein deficiency. 

  3. Peptide synthesized from amino acid in the body. Aging reduce the capability to form peptide and cause diseases

  4. The best solution is through external supplementation of pre-synthesized bioactive small molecule peptide that can absorb directly into the body

What is Bio-Active Peptide?

  • Peptide is formed when two or more amino acid are linked together by peptide bond. It plays very important role in body’s physiological function. Biologically active peptide is called Bio-Active Peptide.

What is Bio-Active Small Molecule Peptide?

  • Low molecular weight

  • Less than 50 amino acids

  •  Simple molecular structure

  • Significant biologically active

Small molecule Peptide has Superior Absorption

  1. Direct absorb, no digestion needed 

  2. Fast absorption

  3.  High bioactivity, 100% absorption

  4.  Auto-absorbed by the body

  5.  Low energy consumption, less   burden to the digestive system

  6.  Can act as carrier 

  7.  Help in transportation。 

  8.   Small molecules, priority absorption 

Vitide beverage which contains peptides from soy protein extract provides the essential peptides and nutrients for vitality and strength. ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS OF VITIDE 1. Restore Skin & Muscles Elasticity Targets: Middle- aged and elderly

  1. Aging start to become apparent on the skin when wrinkles, slack muscles and dry skin appear.

  2. With age, skin regeneration slow down,  collagen and elastin in the skin will start to collapse resulted in lacking of holding to the skin which eventually form wrinkles. 

  3. Furthermore, collagen production in the body decrease and external supplementation encounter absorption problem , skin age rapidly due to lack of raw material . 

  4. Bioactive small molecule peptide can be absorbed directly, stimulate cell regeneration and enhance production of collage and elastin. Collagen and elastin form a net to hold the water in the skin and restore skin elasticity.

  5. Besides that, middle-aged and elderly lack of amino acid which resulted in muscle break down to acquire amino acid for the body and lead to slack muscles and lost of tone

  6. Replenish bioactive small molecule peptide supply protein to the body and thus avoid breaking down of muscle. Furthermore, it repair muscle cells, stimulate muscle growth to regain muscle mass

  7. Strengthen Muscles

  8. Weight lifting involve tiny tearing of muscle fiber, which the body then repair and adapt the muscle to handle the weight and this is called muscle grow.

  9. However, tiny tearing of muscle fibers lead to inflammation  and accumulation of lactic acid in the body  during exercise give rise to muscle soreness and  pain. 

  10. At this time, brain will excrete growth hormone to stimulate the muscle repair but need the raw material  for muscle formation- protein 

  11. Protein intake has slow absorption and unable to deliver the required material to muscle on time 

  12. Bioactive small molecule peptide fast absorption can deliver sufficient peptides to the muscle for speedy muscle repair hence enhance the muscle growth

  13. Besides that, bioactive small molecule peptide has anti-inflammation properties  which can help to relieve pain, restore energy and increase performance.

  14. Eliminate Fatigue

  15. Office workers tend to develop lack of concentration,  memory loss, anxiety etc. due to extended period usage of brain energy and stress

  16.  Manual workers high energy expenditure on daily work  and slow recovery also cause long term fatigue.

  17.  Fatigue is caused by increase level of methemoglobin and adrenalin which lead to  slow thinking and mental stress. Prolong fatigue occur when  body is unable to metabolize these hormones

  18. Besides that, excretion of excessive nitrogen when tired will also stimulate the central nervous system to slow down body’s activities.

  19. Supplementation of bioactive small molecules peptide can reduce the level of methemoglobin and adrenaline can help to restore energy.

  20. Bioactive small molecule peptide expedite the conversion of nitrogen to urea in liver to be eliminated through urine also help to reduce tiredness.

4. Regulate Body Fat

  1. Modern people like fatty foods and are very prone to high blood lipid and other cardiovascular diseases 

  2. Heart disease is no.1 killer worldwide! Can we stop taking fatty food?

  3. How fat block the arteries? LDL (bad cholesterol) penetrate blood vessel wall  and cause hardening of the vessel. Triglyceride also deposit in blood vessel wall and cause blockage

  4. How to enjoy food without worrying about the fats

  5. Supplementation of bioactive small molecule peptides can stimulate tyrosine production, inhibit cholesterol absorption in gut and promote elimination of cholesterol  to avoid deposition in blood vessels

  6. Besides that, bioactive small molecule peptide increase mitochondrion activities, increase fat metabolism and reduce body fat.

5. Helps in Controlling Blood Pressure or Hypertension

  1. An increase rate of hypertension  is noticeable due to unhealthy eating habit and stress

  2. Long term hypertension can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries and vessel blockage which leads to heart disease

  3. Drugs medication is the only treatment but long term intake may cause liver and kidney failure and complete recovery is barely seen

  4. Increase of blood pressure initially by Conversion of angiotension I to angiotensin II by ACE enzyme. Angiotensin II  constrict the blood vessels and increase the blood pressure

  5. Bioactive small molecule peptide can inhibit the activity of ACE enzyme and prevent the constriction of blood vessels hence help to regulate the blood pressure

6. Prevent Cancer

  1. According  to WHO, 1 out of 2 people may have risk of cancer by year 2020

  2. So far, cancer 5 -year survival rate averagely is less than 5% and chemotherapy and radiotherapy have many side effects too.

  3. What cause cancer?

  4. Environmental, air, water and food pollution, unhealthy lifestyle, stress and other factors  cause damage to our cells and lead to cell mutation.

  5. Cells can self-repair but when the damage is too severe and with lacking of raw material (peptide), DNA repair cannot function well and large number of cancerous cells are produced.

  6. When cell damage continue, immune system will be disrupted and Natural Killer cells are unable to eliminate cancerous cells. Cancerous cell propagate and eventually turn to cancer

  7. Supplementation of bioactive small molecule peptide improve DNA repair and supply raw material to the body for normal cells production. It also stimulate immune system and enhance Natural Killer’s function and thus help to prevent cancer. 

7. Increase Immunity

  1. Our environment nowadays  is prone to bacteria mutation. Many disease outbreaks are erupting around the world with existence of super bacteria (drug resistant bacteria)

  2. Children are more prone to infection due to weak immunity and antibiotic misuse

  3. Bacteria mutated too fast  whereas vaccine development  need time. The best prevention is to increase immunity

  4. Night owl and people with stress tend to have lacking of sleep which will lead to low immunity.  Cancer patients under chemo and radiotherapy are also very low in immunity

  5. Supplementation of bioactive small molecule peptide can activate immunity, increase the number and activity of immune cells and increase production of B-cell and T-cells and thus enhance immunity

8. Helps in Weight Loss

  1. Obesity is one of the biggest problem nowadays and obese people are prone to chronic diseases

  2. Obesity is due to high calories intake with low burning.  Excessive calories will turn to fat and store in the body and cause obesity.

  3. Bioactive small molecule peptide can stimulate production of  CCK hormone in the small intestine. CCK hormone will stimulate nervous system  to reduce appetite and hence reduce calories intake

  4. Bioactive small molecule peptide will also increase tyrosine production, increase metabolism and help in fat burning and thus help to lose weight.

Safety Test Report

    • Safety test conducted by SGS

  •  No Plasticizer

  •  No GMO 

    1. Negative for  Heavy metals and Poisons

    2. Negative for microbes and pesticide residues

Dosage/Uses Of Immerplus Vitide Below is how to use Vitide: Serving Suggestion: Mix 1 sachet with 80-100ml room temperature water. Stir well and drink Storage: Keep in dry place below 30 degrees celcius. Protect from light and moisture. Side Effects Of Vitide: No documented side effects yet Summary of Vitide Benefits: 1.Anti inflammatory 2.alleviates pain. 3.Anti hypertension 4.Helps release stress. 5 Burns fat and cholesterol 6.Helps with muscle building 7.Helps with rapid wound healing 8. Helps with alertness 9.Generally gives strength to those with chronic diseases like Liver, heart, kidney failure etc It has anti tumour/cancer properties 10.Also for the gymnastics, great source of energy. 11. Controls craving lifestyle. 12. Controls diabetes Scientists reviews on important of Peptide

  • “Peptide is used to treat almost any diseases and surpassing any other medicines” – Dr. Greene, United State

  • “Peptide treatment give significant improvement in all kind of liver diseases”  –Professor Claire Hicks, Canada 

  • “Peptide has full range of effect。” – Dr. Takeichi, Japan

  • “A discovery of new anti-aging drug – peptide. Peptide is capable of making people look younger and healthy. Peptides have caused the cosmetic world to undergo tremendous changes” – Dr. Claude Powell, Germany

  • “ Peptide – new secret for longevity” –Dr. Klatz, U.K

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